POSCO Global Internship Program welcomes global talents

POSCO has been offering international internship opportunities for those who wish to gain exciting work experience in Korea. Since 2004, POSCO has welcomed 62 Australian university students over the past 8 years for the 6 to 7-week internship programs in association with the Korea-Australia Foundation. Through various exchange programs with Australia, one of the major countries with natural resources, POSCO is expecting a boost to the firm’s global business.

POSCO Global Internship Program welcomes global talents

Also, last year, POSCO has agreed with ‘Science without Borders Korea (SwBK)’ to invite 10 undergraduate students from Ceará, Brazil, for the next three years to provide internship opportunities as well as employing the local talents for ‘Companhia Siderurgica do Pecem (CSP)’ operation in Brazil. CSP is a joint venture established by POSCO and two other companies. The project is afoot to build an integrated steel mill in Ceará.

Every journey of global interns must be thrilling and exciting. Let’s have a look into their daily lives filled with excitement and joy from their perspective.


We Are Work Colleagues and Housemates

Alex Mirt, an undergraduate student from Melbourne, is working at the POSCO Research Institute (POSRI) as an intern. It’s been about a month since he began his program to work and learn the culture of Korean corporates. He’s working with Tae-hwan Choi, a team leader, in the office but that’s not all. Alex is also home-staying with Mr. Choi’s family during the internship period.

POSCO Global Internship Program welcomes global talents

“Also I am having fun playing with Sean, Mr. Choi’s lovely son. We get along really well and we always play together after work. And on the weekend Mr. Choi takes me to so many different trips. I’ve been skiing and went to the local markets. I’m very lucky to have such a great host family.”


Great opportunities for Both Learning and Teaching

There are three more Australian interns, two in POSCO and another in Daewoo International. Helen Todd is one of the Australian students who came to Korea for POSCO Global Internship Program. She is working in Monitoring and Evaluation Dept., and living with Manager Kye-sun Lee of POSCO. Every day before she leaves the office, she waits for Mrs. Lee and goes back home together. After work, Helen enjoys helping Mrs. Lee’s daughter, Hae-in with her English homework and in exchange Hae-in teaches Korean to Helen.

POSCO Global Internship Program welcomes global talents


POSCO Internship without borders

In August 2012, POSCO signed an MOU with Brazilian government for ‘Science without Borders Korea (SwBK)’ to invite bright Brazilian engineering students to Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) and other leading education institutes in Korea. During the vacation period, the participating students could also apply for the internship scheme in POSCO.

Debora, Hoya and Bernardo are Brazilian students who have just finished their internship at POSCO. Their two-month internship included work experiences in Pohang Steelworks for steel manufacture and technology.

POSCO Global Internship Program welcomes global talents

Se-ah Ko of Pohang’s Hot Rolling Dept. was a on-site mentor for the three Brazilian students. She assisted the interns whenever they needed guidance. She even organized a soccer match after work as her mentees were from Brazil. “We heard they were coming from Brazil and thought we must play soccer together. They were so good at playing it. Even the female interns were fabulous at scoring goals.” Well, no doubt about that. 


POSCO Will Continue Seeking Global Talents

As we have found out above, POSCO is running various global internship schemes. POSCO is also planning to expand the program in order to open its arms to more global students seeking for internship experience at POSCO. With POSCO Global Internship Program, the youngsters from all over the world will not only learn how the world’s leading steel manufacturer operates its business, but also participate in the cultural interchange with Koreans. POSCO will continue working with more global talents to give them extensive work experience and insight in learning the Korean culture.

POSCO Global Internship Program welcomes global talents