POSCO Is Promoting Female Leadership – Part 2! Meet Sunhee Yoo, President of the Corporate Future Creation Academy!

For our last update, ‘Hello, POSCO’ ran an interview with Vice President Eun-Joo Choi as a part of series, introducing POSCO’s new female executives. This time, POSCO had the honor to speak with the President-to-be of the Corporate Future Creation Academy, Ms. Sunhee Yoo.


It’s a pleasure and an honor meeting you today. Could you briefly let us in on your career at POSCO?

I joined POSCO as the Head of the Global Leadership Center in March 2012 to manage the training programs for new/experienced employees and overseas resident employees in addition to operating G-JEDP (Global Junior Executive Development Program). To give proper training, it was essential for me to learn POSCO’s history and culture as quickly as possible.

POSCO Is Promoting Female Leadership – Part 2! Meet Sunhee Yoo, President of the Corporate Future Creation Academy!


When did you feel the most challenged as a female employee? And what did you do to overcome those challenges?

As a career woman, it was not very easy to keep a balance between work and life. It kind of became a routine of mine to bring some work home to finish it instead of spending time with the family. But my family understood my situation and gave me their full support. I also tried to be there for them both mentally and physically whenever I can.

When I first started working, it was difficult for me to find an appropriate mentor who would provide advices and feedbacks for my career development within the company. But I kept a firm belief in myself and paved my own way to continuously move forward.


Have there been any moments when you felt grateful to your colleagues?

Most importantly, I’m grateful to senior colleagues who gave me the opportunities to work with them and full faith in me. I also want to thank junior members, who have done terrific job without a complaint. Moreover, I’m thankful to POSCO for giving me a chance to re-launch my career here.

When I think about the times I have spent here at POSCO, it seems that every little thing that happened to me now and then was meaningful. Just like the little stars come together to form a constellation, all the experiences I’ve had at POSCO made me who I am today.


You have set a tremendous example as a female leader. What do you think are some of the strengths that only women have?

I reckon that our soft, delicate, warm personalities and our ability to be flexible and sympathetic can be our advantage.


Are there any advices that you would like to give to your female junior employees? 

Don’t try to do everything on your own. Ask for help.

Don’t give up your dreams easily. In our lives, there are big changes like marriage, childbirth, raising kids, and there can be problems at the office. They could be tough to overcome. But don’t try facing and solving all the issues by yourself. It will get you nowhere. It will just leave you completely exhausted and alone. Ask for help. Ask your family, colleagues and seniors to help you. They are more experienced and have more wisdom to guide you through tough times.

Most of all, it is important to know that female employees have their own capacity that differs from their male counterparts in certain areas. Instead of turning a blind eye on your abilities and advantages as women, put some efforts into embracing the differences so you can utilize your unique skills and make up for your weak points as women.

POSCO Is Promoting Female Leadership – Part 2! Meet Sunhee Yoo, President of the Corporate Future Creation Academy!


Could you share your ‘Know-Hows’ for communicating with colleagues?

Be like their god-mother and take care of them. Embrace them.

My juniors often call me their ‘Godmother.’ I try to give them my attention and care for each and every one of them. That’s why I have learned how to use the buzzwords and some emoticons when communicating with my juniors through SNS. On the top of that, I also send friendly e-mails or text messages to compliment, encourage and give advice to the young colleagues. My favorite way of communication is, however, speaking to them face-to-face so I can easily show my emotions.


As a respectable member of society and POSCO, what are the essential attributes and attitudes you would suggest your fellow members to have?

Be passionate in what you do. Enjoy your life. And a positive attitude would be the cherry on top.

I think it is essential have special love for POSCO. As we all know, POSCO is the company widely beloved by Korean people. And being engaged with the company to make POSCO into a top-notch organization are vital as well. To do so, we need to possess challenging spirits and willingness to oblige our duties and responsibilities. At the same time, enthusiasm and professionalism to be the best in your field is important. But please bear in mind that all of these should come with an attitude to enjoy life to the fullest and a positive attitude.

POSCO Is Promoting Female Leadership – Part 2! Meet Sunhee Yoo, President of the Corporate Future Creation Academy!


Thank you very much for today’s interview. As for the last question, please tell us about your future plans and dream.

I want to develop and renovate the Corporate Future Creation Academy to meet the global standard so that we could train highly talented individuals. I personally believe that the achievement we can gain will lead POSCO and its affiliates to be the finest of all in the field. To this end, I’ll be doing my best in everything that I do here.

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