POSCO Promotes CSR for 2016 Global Volunteer Week

For the seventh consecutive year, POSCO has once again hosted its company-wide annual community service tradition.

Established on the corporate value of giving back to local communities and coexisting with society, POSCO Global Volunteer Week (GVW) continues to provide opportunities for employees around the world to take part in helping those in need.

Since its initial establishment in 2010, the POSCO GVW has grown tremendously in regard to the number of participants and the variety of activities.

This year, approximately 80,000 POSCO Group employees in 52 different countries participated in the GVW, which was held under the theme “Warming Hearts with Steel.” As the name denotes, the service activities were closely tied to making the most of the industry’s characteristics and the nature of steel.


Spreading the “Warmth of Steel” Throughout the World

Upholding its global reputation, GVW encouraged POSCO’s overseas affiliates to carry out various service activities in their respective communities.

To truly fulfill the mission of this meaningful week, employees tailored their volunteer activities to the needs of the local areas as much as possible. Many employees chose to utilize their expertise by constructing new buildings and renovating dilapidated infrastructure.

2016 Global Volunteer Week Deemed Huge Success

In Ho Chi Minh City, POSCO-Vietnam employees installed and painted steel handrails on a local bridge. Bridge handrails are essential in Vietnam during the wet season because it is common for bridges to be submerged, making it dangerous for pedestrians to cross.

Quang Thinh Nguyen, a POSCO-Vietnam employee and volunteer of the project, said, “I was happy to be able to contribute to helping others. This project was especially meaningful to me because I got to repair a bridge that local residents and children can now safely use, even in the rain.”

In China, employees of Guangdong Coated Steel Plate and POSCO Daewoo Shanghia Co., Ltd. worked to help senior citizens in the local area.

The Guangdong office staff spruced up the homes of senior citizens living alone by painting walls, repairing old kitchens and replacing broken electric and plumbing parts.

2016 Global Volunteer Week Deemed Huge Success

In northern Guangdong, the Shanghai team stopped by the Chang Ding Nursing Home, a facility the team has visited consistently over the past three years. This time, they kept nursing home residents company during their meals and provided small care packages containing essential items.

Other POSCO affiliates headquartered in various parts of the world have also contributed their efforts to serve their local communities. These initiatives included revamping two daycare centers in Mexico, restoring a rehabilitation center for leprosy patients in India, repairing an elementary school to provide a safer learning environment in Turkey and renovating city infrastructure in Malaysia.

All of these activities utilized employees’ expertise and industry know-how in the communities where they live. The small gestures of kindness shown by POSCO employees during GVW have no doubt left positive impacts in POSCO neighborhoods, thus improving the quality of life for many.


Working Alongside Local Communities

POSCO Group employees in Korea contributed to the Global Volunteer Week by helping underprivileged families and cleaning up the environment in various ways.

In Incheon, POSCO Daewoo Supporters hosted an “English Market” for children with limited access to education, while POSCO Construction employees planted wild flowers in Songdo Central Park.

Other groups, such as POSCO Chem-Tech and POSWEL, also contributed to improving the environment by cleaning their respective surroundings, from nearby oceans to pedestrian walkways. These activities were especially meaningful to those who participated with their children, as it gave families an opportunity to emphasize the importance of giving back to society.

2016 Global Volunteer Week Deemed Huge Success

POSCO CEO Ohjoon Kwon showed enthusiasm and support for the good cause, participating in the week’s events at the Hasang Rehabilitation Center in Seoul. There, CEO Kwon and POSCO employees made a “Steel Garden” of steel sculptures, and assembled and donated various steel furniture items to the facility.


POSCO—A Leader in Steel and Community Service

POSCO has led many community projects around the world to improve cities and neighborhoods during its Global Volunteer Week. This year, the unique event saw activities in many service categories ranging from caring for underprivileged children and looking after the elderly to picking up trash, among others.

POSCO’s global volunteerism is a testament to its corporate values, providing various services to local communities while simultaneously offering a rewarding experience for participants.

“Our company finds directions for further development by thinking about our neighbors and sharing our expertise with them,“ CEO Kwon told Seoul Economics Daily in a media interview. “Through this, we can think of ways for us to grow collectively with our neighbors.”

2016 Global Volunteer Week Deemed Huge Success

POSCO will continue to grow with its neighbors, interacting with its surroundings to make a difference in the world.


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