POSCO Vietnam Gains Valuable Experiences From Leadership Training

Last week, we learned about POSCO Vietnam’s CSR activity during the recent holiday known as Tet Trung Thu. It was truly delightful to hear that POSCO Vietnam is sharing meaningful activities with local community. Today, we would like to introduce you about employee education and training at POSCO Vietnam. Let’s listen to our storyteller Nguyen Van Nam’s experience at 2-day leadership training.

POSCO Vietnam’s Managers Gather to Participate in 2-day Leadership Training Course

4On the 9th and 10th of September, POSCO Vietnam had organized a leadership training course for 54 Team Managers and 2 General Managers for the purpose of improving management, communication, presentation and decision making skills in order to improve work efficiency and behaviors within the office.

The leadership training course was designed with 5 psychological techniques for changing a leader’s behavior, boosting a leader’s inner source of energy, building a core leadership competency, comprehending keys to resolve long-term potential problems and more. The training was instructed by one of the best training companies in Vietnam.

2According to most of the trainees, this was the best leadership training course that they have ever had. “The instructor was so humorous.  He made us laugh during the course. All activities were thoroughly designed and well-prepared.  I also enjoyed it because it offered an opportunity for us to get together to strengthen our team work, communication and behaviors…”, Ms. Do Thi Huyen Trang, Manager Assistant of Overseas Department said.

An Unprecedented Experiences for Everyone


During the course, all the managers had to face something that they have never done in their lives before. In order to physically express the willpower and strength of a leader, they had to break a hard plywood board of 17mm thickness. “I was worried that I won’t be able to break that woody board because it seemed quite thick. However, with encouragement and instructions from our instructor, all of the trainees were able to finish the task. It was definitely a very wonderful and exciting experience”. Mr. Dinh Quoc Hoa, Team Manager of Purchasing Department expressed.

5For another activity during the training course, the instructor asked all the trainees to lay roses with thorns on the ground and walk on them in bare feet. This activity symbolized that although people face ups and downs in life, they advance by overcoming the hardships. “It was an unforgettable moment of my life. We experienced both happiness and sadness. Although it was painful to walk on the roses, it was great to experience things that I never thought I could do. Thank you POSCO and my colleagues”. Ms. Vo Thi Hong Van, Domestic Sales Assistant Manager said.

At the end of the course, all the trainees received certificates of leadership for their great efforts and excellent behaviors during the program.

Interview with Mr. Luu The Hung- General Manager of External Relations Department


 Q1. How did you feel about the training course?

‘Curious’, ‘involved’, ‘surprised’, ‘enjoyed’ and ‘satisfied’ are words that I would like to use to describe my feelings from the beginning to the end of the course. The well-structured activities really awed my mind. The activities inspired me to pause and take a close look on what is happening, where I was in life and what I want for the future. Furthermore, the 2-day experience with my peers at POSCO Vietnam was a good chance for us to consolidate our team spirit.

Q2. What did you learn from the training course?

I was able to learn many theories and tips on becoming a better leader. However, the most important and helpful lesson for me came from “The Six Level of Leadership Mode”. The highlight of this concept is its wide range of application both in working and daily life. By analyzing our current status and our target, it will guide us to the next steps that are crucial for reaching higher level in the leadership ladder.

Q3. What will you apply for the daily work from the knowledge that you’ve studied?

First and foremost, I will give up my “5 Inefficient Working Habits”, which may affect adversely on our department’s performance. Second, “4 Principle Rules of Management and 10 Positive Emotion of Leader” will be applied to motivate my staffs and support them to do their daily tasks in better ways. I am very excited to see the good influences that these small changes will bring to our department.


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