The company held an Investor Relations meeting on April 21, where it announced that it had recorded 15.1 trillion won…
In honor of his first year at POSCO, CEO Ohjoon Kwon encouraged more than 2,700 employees and board members to…
On February 9th, POSCO CEO Ohjoon Kwon hosted an Investor Relations (IR) meeting in New York, United States. This meeting…
POSCO ranked 36th in the ‘Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in 2015’, the highest ranking of any Korean corporation. As…
Dear my beloved POSCO Family! The year 2015 has dawned on us. On behalf of POSCO, I am delighted to…
Around this time every year, people reflect. People have a moment of review to celebrate or remember their own yearlong…
POSCO (NYSE: , PKX) held IR conference call on October 23rd, to announce its 3Q performance results. On a consolidated…
#Lovesteel Campaign, filled with passionate stories of steel industry workers that are hotter than the molten steel If one thinks “working in…
Please congratulate POSCO for being selected as one of the best companies to work for in South Korea! According to…
I’m under a lot of pressure at the moment to make multiple big decisions that will have a deep…
POSCO Announces First Quarter 2014 Earnings POSCO Holds an IR Conference Call To Announce The First Quarter Earnings,…
Since its foundation in 1968, POSCO has been focused on dreaming for a better future. As we celebrate our 46th…