Inauguration of Ohjoon Kwon and Vision for ‘POSCO the Great’

-Proposed departure from pride and appearances to return to ‘innovation POSCO 1.0’ roots

-Declared the 4 part innovation agenda that includes enhancement of steel competitiveness and financial structure to address crisis management

-Headed to steel plant immediately after inauguration ordering “world’s best products with competitive costs and quality”


Pictured here: POSCO’s Chairman, Ohjoon Kwon giving his inauguration speech at the Pohang headquarters on March 14th

POSCO’s Chairman, Ohjoon Kwon has officially been inaugurated. On March 14, POSCO held its annual meeting of shareholders and board of directors to install Ohjoon Kwon as the 8th Chairman & CEO. Following the shareholders meeting, he attended an inauguration ceremony at the Pohang headquarters wearing a Steel plant uniform and stated, “Oversupply in the global steel market puts a significant risk to POSCO’s competitive advantage” and therefore, “We need to regain our steel competitiveness based on the differentiated technology and a financial and organizational structure reform  to once again become the world’s leading steel company.”

취임식 (1)

Pictured here: POSCO’s Chairman, Ohjoon Kwon giving his inauguration speech at the Pohang headquarters on March 14th

At the inauguration, CEO Kwon unveiled the new vision ‘POSCO the Great’ and stated that to achieve this, the ‘innovation POSCO 1.0’ would be actively promoted. ‘POSCO the Great’ implies ‘Let’s create a great POSCO’ and signals that the company will continue to contribute to the national economic development and create values for the world in order to become the most respected company nationally as well as globally. Reflecting Chairman Kwon’s philosophy and volition, POSCO 1.0 proposes a departure from pride and appearances and a return back to basics to regain unity and be the forerunner again. The goal is to become the world’s best in all business divisions by creating customer value through new ideas and unifying all employees under one vision.  Chairman Kwon announced a four part innovation agenda in order to quickly overcome the current crisis situation and prepare for the next 50 years of POSCO.


Pictured here: POSCO’s Chairman, Ohjoon  Kwon at the inauguration with ‘POSCO the Great’ and ‘innovation 4.0’ banners in the back ground

The first priority on the innovation agenda is to enhance the competitiveness of the steel industry. Its main focus is to create new, differentiating customer value through the combination of technology and marketing. The Company will create a Steel Solutions Center within the steel business division  to provide proactive response to customer needs and, also it will increase the sales of strategic products such as marine energy steel, high performance steel plates to cement its market position as a leading global steel company.

The second priority is to focus on the selection and concentration of plans that promote future growth. POSCO has been pushing ahead in materials, energy and other diverse new businesses, however going forward it will analyze business fit, core competencies, and market attractiveness to boldly determine whether to stop, sell or merge businesses for those businesses that are not globally competitive.  It will concentrate its growth energy in developing materials such as lithium and nickel that are essential for the future high-tech industry, as well as eco-friendly chemicals such as fuel cells and clean coal that are core of the clean energy business.

The third priority is to streamline the business structure and to dramatically improve the financial structure. For the time being, investment strategy will be focused on value-added growth rather than new investments for qualitative growth. Furthermore, at the appropriate time, it will list on the stock exchange certain subsidiaries that meet the IPO requirements or sell the equity holdings in order to maximize liquidity.

Finally, the management infrastructure will be reformed in areas such as internal organization, processes, and corporate culture . The current six divisions will be minimized to four for greater efficiency and to streamline decision-making hierarchy within the company. Furthermore, the number of executives in the supporting divisions will be reduced by 40% and transferred to marketing, steel mills, overseas offices and other divisions in order to boost performance. Especially, in order to promote strong performing organizational structure, individuals that hold expertise and experience will be appointed as expert executives and will be assigned to individual project with appropriate accountability and performance evaluations.


Pictured here: POSCO’s Chairman Kwon shaking hands with employees on the day of his inauguration

Shortly after the inauguration, Chairman Kwon paid a visit to #3 steelmaking plant in Pohang and encouraged employees with an indication of his management priority in the job sites. Steel plant furnaces are the heart of steelmaking companies as the filtered impurities from molten metal are transformed into high quality, top grade steel. On this day, Chairman Kwon announced, “POSCO will continue to invest in innovation in order for Pohang and Gwangyang Steelworks to once again produce the world’s best products with competitive costs and quality.”

현장격려 Pictured here: POSCO’s Chairman, Ohjoon Kwon visited workers at #3 steelmaking plant in Pohang shortly after the inauguration to reassure employees that he would help make POSCO the world’s best

Earlier, at the annual meeting of shareholders and board of directors, candidate Jinil Kim was appointed as in-house director and president of steel manufacturing, and Dongjoon Yoon and Younghoon Lee were both appointed as vice president in-house directors. Moreover, Ilsup Kim, President of Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies, Youngsun Woo, Executive Partner at law firm Seah, and Donghyun Ahn, Professor of Economics at Seoul National University were appointed as outside directors. Ilsup Kim and  Youngsun Woo will also assume the responsibility over the Audit Committee members.

See below for the full inaugural speech that Chairman Kwon gave.

[box]Fellow colleagues,

Valued shareholders, customers, stakeholders,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am truly honored and thrilled to stand here today as the 8th CEO of POSCO. In my excitement, I also acknowledge the large responsibility I have to follow in the great success of POSCO’s past generations.

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Looking back to previous years, I can see the noble vision of the founders of POSCO. The first generation of this outstanding company strived to make something out of nothing, to build a solid foundation for our company in accordance with the direction of this nation.

Moreover, the following generations, armed with a passion for technology development and innovation, contributed to POSCO becoming one of the most globally competitive steelmakers in the shortest time in history.

With our unmatched commitment to staying competitive, POSCO has continued to create sound profits and consistent value. Furthermore, in the spirit of mutual partnership, we have shared growth with our various stakeholders. Such efforts have boosted Korea`s economic development, and have been praised by the Korean people.


Members of POSCO!

POSCO, once the pride of the nation, is now in the midst of unprecedented challenges. With credit ratings being downgraded and share prices being weakened, “expansion” may no longer be our highest priority. At its worst, survival of the company itself could be threatened.

As I begin my term at this important juncture, I ask a few questions to both myself and to all POSCO employees.

Do we still have the same passion and sense of duty that we used to have toward the nation’s economic development?

Do we still have our spirit of embracing challenge, embodied in our slogan “Resources Are Limited, Creativity Is Unlimited”?

Is our spirit of self-sacrifice still alive in placing our company and our country before ourselves?

Fellow colleagues,

As members of POSCO sharing the same fate, none of us are free from the current crisis. We all have to avoid living off of past glory. We must now dedicate ourselves to a fresh start and a new direction.

As of now, there are a number of urgent issues that we must resolve.

While the global economy is expected to remain stagnant for the time being, the steel market has long suffered from serious oversupply. Under such circumstances, we can no longer resort to our traditional competitive edge.

Meanwhile, our global expansion projects, once enthusiastically promoted, have yet to be settled. What concerns me even more is these projects may become a burden to the company depending on how the market unfolds.

Members of POSCO,

I would like to take today`s inauguration ceremony as an opportunity to declare our new corporate vision, “POSCO the Great.”

“POSCO the Great” refers to a POSCO that continuously contributes to the country`s economic development and is ultimately loved by the Korean people. We can achieve this goal through the following three values – Creativity, Harmony, and Top class management.

“POSCO the Great” also refers to a POSCO respected internationally by consistently creating new customer value and growth engines based on steel, POSCO’s core strength.

Today, I propose the key program of “Innovation POSCO 1.0” that will drive our corporate vision of “POSCO the Great.” The “1.0”  in “Innovation POSCO 1.0” represents being New, being Unified, and being No. 1.

“Innovation POSCO 1.0” aims to create customer value through “New” ideas, “Unifying” all of its members under the same vision, and with POSCO being the world’s “No. 1” company in all its business sectors.

Respected members of POSCO!

“Innovation POSCO 1.0” is an urgent plan to swiftly overcome the current crisis, but more importantly, it is a plan to prepare for the 50 years ahead of us.

Under the “Innovation POSCO 1.0” program, we have four initiatives.

First, we will fundamentally strengthen the core competitiveness of the steel business through technology-based solution marketing.

We will launch a Product Solution Center within the Steel Business Division to preemptively respond to potential needs of our customers.

We will fortify our status as the global top supplier in our seven key product domains which include steel products used in the energy industry; this emulates our past achievement of securing global leadership in the ultra-light automotive steel business.

We will transform Pohang and Gwangyang Steel Works into the world’s most competitive manufacturing sites by further intensifying our unique innovation capabilities and rooting out all the safety and environmental risks.

Overseas steel projects in regions such as India and Indonesia will be stabilized as early as possible by actively cooperating with partnering companies based on our spirit of shared growth and prosperity.

Second, we will nurture future mega-growth engines through strict selection and concentration among our non-steel business segments.

New projects currently being pursued in the fields of materials, energy, and other various areas will undergo a rigorous process of re-evaluation.

Our business feasibility assessment based on technology and market competitiveness yielded the tentative result of  “core materials” and “clean energy” as our potential mega-growth engines.

“Core materials” are essential ingredients for future high-tech industries, with Nickel and Lithium as promising candidates.

In the area of “clean energy”, technology in response to global warming, fuel cells and clean coal chemicals are promising candidates.

Just as we used steel, “the Rice of Industry”, to lead the economic development of Korea, we will usher in the new era of “Creative Economy” by generating more jobs in the sectors of “core materials” and “clean energy.”

Third, we will streamline our business structure and significantly improve the financial soundness of POSCO.

To maximize the synergy in each business segment, we will manage our key subsidiaries more effectively while massively trimming out non-core businesses.

Rather than pursuing expansion-oriented investments, we will adhere to high value-add investments, which will have a profound positive impact on our enterprise value.

We will move to lower the risk on our ongoing investments by inviting and cooperating with strategic and financial investors.

As for the suitable subsidiaries, we will file for an IPO at an appropriate time depending on the capital market situation. Our equity holdings in subsidiaries could be reduced to secure sufficient liquidity.

Furthermore, we will strengthen our communication with the capital market so that we can earn trust from investors.

Fourth, we will overhaul our management infrastructure such as organization, systems, processes, and corporate culture.

We will ensure that our organization will function more efficiently by downsizing the current six divisions into four divisions and simplify organizational hierarchy to streamline the decision making process.

In addition, we will curtail the number of executives in supporting departments, and some of the back office employees will be relocated into the value creating front line such as marketing, production and overseas sites, thereby producing higher financial outcomes.

Any employee who has generated additional profits by proposing and completing a challenging project will be given corresponding incentives.

We will also discard the “insider-only” practice and “the sense of superiority” that have been prevalent in POSCO as remnants from the legacy of a steel monopoly.

Meanwhile, we plan to further upgrade POSCO’s proud tradition of sharing activities so that we can fulfill our responsibility as a corporate citizen.

Fellow colleagues!

We are about to embark on a grand journey toward “POSCO the Great.”

Although we are facing a steep cliff to our rear and a fierce storm to our front, we do not have the luxury of hesitation because time is not on our side.

Fortunately, the path ahead of us is not all too unfamiliar to us.

Engrained deep within our DNA are the memories of great achievements during the days where we thrived without any capital, technology, and experience.

For the future of a reunified Korea and for another 50 years of POSCO, let us fortify the stepping-stones so that our next generation can continue to build upon the history of “POSCO the Great.”

When “POSCO the Great” is finally realized where POSCO is loved by the Korean people and respected by the citizens of the world, we will later look back to the cliff and storm of today and see that these were only part of a short-lived prelude to the great achievement of our vision for the future of POSCO.

Let us embark this new journey together for our greater POSCO.

I express my deep gratitude to the members of POSCO who have dedicated themselves in our operations, with their trust in management. I pay tribute to your loyalty to the company.

Whenever we have faced difficult times throughout our 45-year history, our management and employees have fought together, in unity, to sail through each and every hardship. I am strongly convinced that we can overcome today`s crisis based on our triumphs of the past.

Last but not least,

I give you my firm commitment.

To our customers, suppliers, and partners, we will bring you mutual growth in return for your steadfast support.

To the shareholders and investors, we will reply with higher profits in return for your unwavering trust.

To the communities and the Korean people, we will respond to your warm encouragement by making POSCO your pride and joy.

Thank you. (End) [/showhide] [/box]