POSCO Receives Best Rating in ‘Evaluation of Mutual Growth Index’

POSCO has received the highest rating in Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership’s annual evaluation of Mutual Growth Index for the fourth consecutive year. The evaluation assesses the achievements big corporations and their partner SMEs make every year in their mutual growth activities.

The Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership (Chairman Chungyoung Ahn) hosted its 41st general meeting on June 30 at the Seoul Palace Hotel to announce the 2015 Mutual Growth Index evaluation results.

The Mutual Growth Index is a quantification of measuring mutual growth among major companies and SMEs, to create fair trade and a culture of mutual growth within. These performances are graded on a curve by combining the assessment results from the Fair Trade Commission and satisfaction survey from SMEs collected by the Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership.

The Fair Trade Commission evaluates big corporations through both written surveys and field investigations based on the following four categories: implementation of four key practices of fair trade, terms of payment, providing financial, technological and personnel support, and support for secondary business partners. The Commission for Corporate Partnership on the other hand carries out surveys to determine the satisfaction levels of primary and secondary business partners in the activities of the major companies in order to further enhance mutual growth.

The 2015 Mutual Growth Index assessed a total of 133 major and midsize companies that made big impacts in their mutual growth activities, through their high sales volumes or public interests. As a result, 25 companies including POSCO received the Best Rating, while 41 companies received an Excellent Rating, 46 companies received a Satisfactory Rating, and 21 companies received a Fair Rating.

POSCO has once again reinforced its reputation as a role model for simultaneous growth. It will continue to follow the Fair Trade agendas closely to not only spread the culture of fair trade, but also provide various supports to its business partners. In particular, POSCO looks to help its partners improve their competitiveness by providing support in technology, finance and research to uncover new markets.


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